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80 HUGE Email Marketing Stats – Chapters, top
Chapter 1

Subject Line
& Open Rate

What’s the average open rate? And how do subject lines impact open rates? This list of email marketing stats from key industry studies has the answers.
Subject Line & Open Rate Statistics

The average open rate for emails across all industries is 21.33%


Welcome emails have a 63.91% open rate


On average, top performing emails contain 43.85 characters in an email subject


Image-based emails overall have a higher open rate of 30.27% compared to text-based emails with an open rate of 21.9%


Only the first 48 characters of a subject line are visible on the iPhone default email app. For Gmail app the limit is 37 characters


Blue circle

Emails with emojis have similar open rates compared to those without, specifically 28.26% and 26.42%

Only 6.9% of email subject lines contain an emoji


Some words used in email subject lines correlated with higher open rates than usual (above 40% vs. 21.33% on average), specifically “update”, “events”, “name of the month (for example, February)”, “now”


Yellow square
Chapter 2

Email Clickthrough
Rate Stats

Once you get someone to open your email, a big part of your job is already done. That said, there’s no point in getting someone to open your message if they don’t click on anything, right? And these list of data points will help you get more clicks on every email that you send.
Email Clickthrough Rate Stats

The average click-through rate for emails sent in North America is 2.96%. Global average for click-through rate is 1.89%


Pink triangle

Organizations related to Communications, Publishing and Financial Services observed higher than average click-through rates (5.77%, 5.43%, 4.42% vs. 1.89%)


Lower email frequency correlates with higher click-through rate of 3.44% (with 1 email newsletter per week) dropping to 2.75%, 2.4% for 2 and 3 newsletters sent per week


Using personalization in email body may lead lead to a 28.57% increase in click-throughs (2.7% rate with tailored content vs. 2.1% without)


Welcome emails have on average 3.7x the click-through rate of a regular email newsletter


Including videos in your email can increase clickthrough rates by 65%

You are 6x more likely to get a click from an email than from a tweet

Campaign Monitor

Chapter 3

Email Marketing
Statistics on

It’s no secret that more and more people are opening emails on phones and tablets than ever before. In fact, one study found that over half of all emails are opened on a mobile device. This has led to an entire field of “mobile email marketing”. So to get the most out of the emails that you send, it’s important that they’re optimized for mobile devices.
Email Marketing Statistics on Mobile

Apple’s email client market share stands at 58.07%, followed by Gmail client with a 29.67% share. Combined, Gmail and Apple email clients have a 87.74% market share


Responsive email design may increase mobile click rates up to 15%

62% of email campaigns are being opened on a mobile device


Around 57% of marketers stated that they’re planning to apply mobile-friendly design in their email campaigns, more than any other tactic, including personalization (52%) and email marketing automation (48%)


Gmail hit over 10 billion downloads on Google Play alone


Orange square
Chapter 4

Spam Stats

How do you make sure your legitimate email marketing messages get into someone’s inbox? These stats will help you send people messages that they actually want... which is the key to staying out of the spam folder in 2024.
Email Spam Stats

Approximately 48.63% of all emails sent are identified as spam


Blue square

Around 54.53% of spam emails originated from IPs in Russia, mainland China and the US


An estimated 162.04 billion spam emails are sent every day

China is ranked #1 in most live spam issues


Chapter 5

Email Segmentation
& Personalization Stats

Segmentation, now a staple in email marketing, continues to drive higher engagement and performance. Let's examine the latest statistics to understand its ongoing impact on open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and reducing spam complaints in the realm of personalized email marketing.
Email Segmentation & Personalization

62% of marketers leverage dynamic content to personalize their email marketing campaigns

Search Engine Land

The vast majority (64%) of marketing professionals sent out email marketing campaigns with subject line personalization


Orange circle

Email marketing campaigns using send time optimization (STO) brings an increase of 5% to 10% in opens and clicks


Among surveyed marketers with successful email marketing campaigns, 59% of them cited personalization as a best way to increase engagement

Marketers can drive 3x the revenue per email using proper targeting


Around 55% of consumers stated a more enjoyable email experience with retailers would include more targeted promotions and discounts

Dynamic Yield

Brands that often include dynamic content in their marketing emails report a 22% increase in ROI compared to those who never or rarely use it ($44 vs. $36 for every dollar spent)


83% of consumers stated that they prefer to receive hyper-personalized marketing messages


One study found that only 31% of emails from B2C and B2B brands were sent using personalized subject lines


Around 53% of consumers claim that they like emails with birthday or anniversary mentions


Nearly half (43%) of consumers state that they like cart abandonment emails


86% of consumers claim that they are willing to share their email address for personalized experiences and special incentives


Automated emails triggered by user behavior account for 46.9% of email sales while the actual share of automated emails is only 2.6%


Pink square
Chapter 6

Email Marketing

Are you in a B2C business? If so, then you’ll love the stats in this chapter. These facts and figures focused on the B2C and e-commerce segments. Specifically, you’ll learn how, when and where consumers want emails from you. And how to get the most from the emails that you send to a B2C audience.
B2C Email Marketing Statistics

More than half (51%) of online shoppers in the US prefer email channel vs. other options (in-app notifications, SMS, and push notifications) to receive discounts - eMarketer


Yellow triangle

Around 62% of B2C and B2B marketers in the US increased email marketing budgets in the past 12 months, more than any other channel, including social media (62%) and influencer marketing (50%)

SeQuel Response

Open rates for cart abandonment email flows come in at 49.89% bringing an average revenue of $3.58 per recipient (nearly a 2x of average revenue across all campaigns - $1.91)


Chapter 7

Email Marketing

You probably already know that B2B email marketing is a VERY different beast than B2C. Yes, there’s some overlap (for example, tactics for staying out of the spam filter are basically the same). That said, B2B people tend to want and need different emails at different times. Plus, the ROI from B2B emails tends to be higher than in B2C.
B2B Email Marketing Statistics

50% of B2B marketers in the US claim that email marketing is the most impactful channel on their multichannel strategy, outperforming social media (50%) and content marketing (26%)


83% of US B2B marketers use email engagement to track content performance, 59% use email subscriber numbers


57% of marketers at companies with over 500 employees use AI in their email marketing campaigns as of 2023 survey, up from 26% who reported the same in 2022

40% of B2B marketers say email marketing is a tactic that is critical to their success

Marketing Dive

Among B2B marketers, email marketing ranked as the 2nd most effective channel for generating qualified leads (with a 32% share), only outperformed by in-person tradeshows and events (33%)


Email marketing ranks as one of the leading marketing tactics, where 36% of B2B professionals claim to have implemented email in their marketing efforts, more than in-person events (35%) and paid social media (35%)


Nearly half (44%) of B2B marketers say that email as a distribution channel produce the best results

Content Marketing Institute

Blue square
Chapter 8

Engagement Statistics

This chapter is all about email engagement. Specifically, you’ll get access to a boatload of stats on why email marketing converts so well... and how to get even more value out of the newsletters and promotional emails that you send.
Email Engagement Statistics

In a survey of US marketers, 27% of respondents stated the best day to send a marketing email is Tuesday, followed by Monday (19%)


Blue square

The top 3 reasons people choose to unsubscribe from an email list: too many emails (53.5%), too repetitive or redundant emails (46.5%), or misaligned subject lines with email content (30.4%)


The best time to send B2C and B2B emails is between 9 AM and 12 PM

The best time of day to send an email is 10am


Chapter 9

AI Email Marketing Statistics

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a game-changer for many companies that use email marketing. Let's delve into some insightful statistics to understand how AI is transforming the landscape of email marketing campaigns.
AI email marketing stats

Around 35% of marketers claim at least some AI use in their email marketing campaigns. Another 33% have plans to implement AI in their email marketing program


The top 3 AI use cases for email marketing among those who currently use this technology, include email retargeting (55%), content personalization (53%), subject line optimization (44%)


Blue circle

In a survey of CEOs and marketers, over half (58.3%) of respondents think that AI can improve email newsletters


Chapter 10

Email Marketing
ROI Statistics

When it comes to ROI, email marketing CRUSHES social media. And there’s plenty of data to back this up. And in this chapter I’ll cover a handful of recent stats that show just how profitable email is compared to other popular digital marketing channels (like Facebook and TikTok).
Email Marketing ROI Statistics

On average, email drives an ROI of $40 for every dollar spent for brands in the US, and $43 for EU brands


Green circle

One email marketing platform reported a $72 ROI in an analysis of US merchants


Analysis of US merchants found an average annual revenue of $6.86 per subscribed account


Organizations that always include A/B testing in their email marketing programs reporter a higher ROI of $48 for every dollar spent vs. $35 among those brands who do not use A/B testing


Nearly half (44%) of marketers claim to struggle with measuring email performance/ROI


Half of marketing professionals worldwide rated perceived effectiveness of spending on the email channel as “extremely/very effective”, more than native advertising (48%) or podcasts (45%)

One study found that the ROI on email was 28.5% compared to 7% for direct mail


US marketers allocate 12% of their advertising budget on email


Green square
Chapter 11

Bonus Email
Marketing Statistics

This chapter is a mix of fun facts that didn’t fit into any of the categories we’ve covered so far.
Bonus Email Marketing Statistics

When it comes to email production cycles, the most significant bottlenecks include collecting feedback (35%), creating content (34%), and getting buy in from all stakeholders (32%)


39% of marketing professionals claim they currently build emails by replacing the text and image coding in a template or previous email


On average, marketers send as many as 15 emails a month


Yellow triangle

Nearly half (48%) of consumers claim to “always” or “often” delete/ignore brand emails without reading them

Less than 50% of email marketers split test their campaigns


On average, conversion rates across all types of email campaigns hit 0.07%. Among cart abandonment emails that rises to 2.71%


Over 40% of subscribers use Dark Mode on the Apple Mail app. Yet, 33% of email marketers claim state they weren’t coding specifically for Dark Mode



I hope you enjoyed this list of email marketing statistics. This list is ALWAYS kept up to date. And we add new stats on a regular basis. So check back soon for even more interesting facts, figures, quotes and stats.


  1. Floyd Avatar Floydsays:

    Right on Time Brian…

    Was Analysing Some recent articles on email marketing statistics and thinking of putting together an article on email marketing statistics myself…

    Will definitely use this as a resource for my new article…

    Thanks for compiling them all in one place…

    Keep up the awesome work…

    By I didn’t get an email about this article am not sure if you sent out one…

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Thanks Floyd. We’re going to add some more stuff to make this more of a guide. So we didn’t announce it to the world yet. But I’m glad you liked the 1.0 version!

  2. Ali Haider Shah Avatar Ali Haider Shahsays:

    Awesome man, every article you write on your blog is awesome.
    I have learned many SEO techniques from your website like Sky Scraper Technique, Broken Link Building, The Moving Man Method and Infographic method.
    Every tip you share on your website is awesome, I have implemented many of them and got good results.
    The thing is, if you have good content, then you can easily win in any industry.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Thank you, Ali

  3. “About 50% of Americans check their email while in bed and 42% check it in the bathroom.”

    Ahem, that reminds me of someone.

    Some amazing stats here. Have you looked into the recent rise in newsletters such as Substack and how many people might be going that route instead of blogging?

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